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Monday, 09 June 2014 15:00

Storm King Art Center Acquires Works by Barnett Newman, Louise Nevelson, and Tony Smith

Barnett Newman's 'Broken Obelisk,' 1967. Barnett Newman's 'Broken Obelisk,' 1967. Storm King Art Center

Storm King Art Center, a sprawling sculpture park in New Windsor, New York, has acquired three contemporary works through major long-term loans. The sculptures include “Source” (1967) by American minimalist Tony Scott, “Royal Tide 1” (1960) by monochromatic master Louise Nevelson, and “Broken Obelisk” (1967) by Abstract Expressionist Barnett Newman.

Guests who enter through the Center’s Museum Hill entrance are greeted by “Source,” Smith’s monumental black painted-steel sculpture. First exhibited at Documenta IV in Kassel, Germany, in 1968, “Source” is among Smith’s most dynamic large-scale sculptures and exemplifies the painted black outdoor works for which he is best known.

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