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Friday, 27 December 2013 17:56

15th Century Italian Panels to Tour US

Cantoria: second top relief (detail) 1431-38. Cantoria: second top relief (detail) 1431-38. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence

Three marble panels depicting children singing and playing music will go on tour in the United States beginning in 2014. Created by Italian sculptor Luca della Robbia for the Florence Cathedral’s organ loft, the panels will go on view at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta from October 25, 2014 until January 11, 2015.

The panels were removed from the Cathedral in 1688 during a renovation and eventually ended up in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence, which is lending them for the first tour of its kind in the US.

Due to the panels’ subject and history, the exhibition will include audible church music organized in part by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.

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