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Wednesday, 31 December 2014 09:38

The Royal Armouries’ Kentucky Branch Fails to Raise U.S. Funds

The Royal Armourie in Leeds. The Royal Armourie in Leeds. Wikipedia

The Royal Armouries branch at the Frazier History Museum, in Louisville, Kentucky, which opened in 2004, has failed to raise any money from US donors, we can reveal. Ten years ago, Britain’s national museum of arms and armour loaned 250 objects to the new US museum. Edward Impey, the director-general of the Armouries, says that as far he knows, the Frazier loans “did not raise a penny”. The objects will return to the UK when the partnership ends, by mutual consent, in January 2015.

Until recently, the Armouries’ website described the Frazier as one of its four “branches”, along with the Tower of London, its main museum in Leeds, Yorkshire, and Fort Nelson in Portsmouth, in the south of England.

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