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Displaying items by tag: heidi zuckermanjacobson

Tuesday, 01 July 2014 13:33

A Look at the New Aspen Art Museum

The Aspen Art Museum is arguably one of the most anticipated new structures in town.  When it opens later this summer it will be with a days-long celebration of contemporary art, Aspen and of the building itself.  Some say it's the most important building in Aspen in a century, while others call it a monstrosity. Designed by Pritzker Prize winner Shigeru Ban, the space will be public. Aspen Public Radio's Marci Krivonen took a tour.

Museum director Heidi Zuckerman-Jacobson stands on a busy street corner in downtown Aspen. Rising above her is the new four-story Aspen Art Museum still under construction.

"The reason I like to start here is because the City of Aspen was very gracious and allowed us to create a commons around the museum," she says motioning near the front entrance to the building.

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