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Displaying items by tag: chateau

Stolen in 1982, a large French pastoral tapestry dating to the mid-18th century has been returned to its original home after more than three decades and now hangs in a château in Normandy.

The Art Loss Register, the privately run database of stolen and looted art, spotted the wall hanging in the catalogue of a London auction house in February 2014, but the find has only recently been made public after follow-up investigations.

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1. Black Perigord truffles with your 13th-century castle, anyone?

Now this is the stuff fairytales are made of. This medieval château is located near the picturesque town of Sarlat in the Perigord Noir region of southwestern France. Celebrated for its wealth of historic sites, including Roman ruins, 17,000-year-old painted caves, and an array of Medieval structures, the area is also home to the finest black truffles in the world. Often referred to as “Diamonds of Perigord,” the culinary delights are as coveted as any gemstone. As if this dreamy location wasn’t swoon-worthy enough, the monumental property features two former knight’s houses from the thirteenth century. Separated by a lane, the residences were joined together in the fifteenth century. Boasting 6,997-square-feet of living space, the...

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After two years of renovations, led by the French artist Xavier Veilhan in collaboration with the architects Bona-Lemercier and the stage designer Alexis Bertrand, Frac Île-de-France, the Paris region’s contemporary art collection, now has a second space in a modernized château in the Parc culturel de Rentilly.

Since the disused building was not listed on the register of Historic Monuments, the team had carte blanche in their restoration and in a radical move covered the entire façade in polished stainless steel mirrors that reflect the surrounding park.

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The Domaine de Chantilly in France is honoring the prized collections of the Condé Museum with a special exhibition of 14th and 15th century Italian paintings. The exhibit, “Fra Angelico, Botticelli…Rediscovered Masterpieces” is on view through January 4, 2015. One of the highlights of the exhibition is the reunion of five of the six paintings that comprise the Fra Angelico Thebaïde. But, one is still missing…

Twenty miles north of Paris, the Domaine de Chantilly houses the Condé Museum with a painting collection that makes it second only to the world famous Louvre Museum for ancient paintings (prior to 1850) . Along with a significant art collection, the chateau features magnificent gardens, grand stables and a world-class hippodrome (horse race course).

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