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Displaying items by tag: Mondrian

Burglars broke into Greece's biggest art museum this morning and stole two paintings and a sketch.

Pablo Picasso's 1939 Woman's Head and Dutch painter Piet Mondrian's Mill were taken in the dawn raid at Athens' National Art Gallery.

They also took a sketch by Italian painter Guglielmo Caccia, donated to the gallery in 1907.

The value of the pieces have not been revealed. But the Picasso, given to the Greeks by the artist himself in 1949, is thought to be worth at least several hundred thousands pounds.

Mondrian's 1905 painting Landscape was dropped on the floor as the thieves made their getaway, police said. 

The burglars entered through a balcony door. They had intentionally set off alarms on several occasions, at 4.30am, without actually entering the building, prompting guards to disable at least one.

The burglars still triggered a sensor in the exhibition area, but a guard only got there in time to see a man running off.

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