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Tuesday, 28 October 2014 11:53

Boston’s MFA Opens New Galleries for Greek and Roman Art

Marble sculpture of Homer, late 1st century B.C. or 1st century A.D. Marble sculpture of Homer, late 1st century B.C. or 1st century A.D. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

It has been obvious for many years that few areas of the Museum of Fine Arts’s permanent collection were more poorly presented to the public than its stupendous Greek and Roman holdings. The relevant galleries, on the eastern side of the building, had almost no climate control, which meant that in summer they were baking. This made for uncomfortable viewing, but it was also, of course, totally inappropriate for the fragile objects on view. The glass cases were often dusty. Wall labels were typed out on cards.

Now, three contiguous galleries devoted to aspects of Ancient Greece have been opened to the public, and the difference they make is enormous.

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