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Displaying items by tag: ronit sorek

From the collection of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, 140 works by Marc Chagall, one of the best-loved artists of the 20th century, are now in Italy for the first time. So universal as to be known, recognized and loved by everyone, he of all the artists of the last century remained true to himself while going through wars and catastrophes as well as political and technological revolutions. Through drawings, some oil paintings, gouaches, lithographs, etchings and watercolors, the show reveals an artistic vision influenced by Chagallʼs great love for his wife Bella and grief over her early death in 1944. It traces the course of his life and his art, a mixture of the major European traditions, from his original Jewish and Russian culture to the meeting with French avant-garde painting.

Curated by Ronit Sorek and produced by DART Chiostro del Bramante and the Arthemisia Group in collaboration with the Israel Museum under the patronage of Roma Capitale, the exhibition Chagall. Love and Life will be held in the Chiostro del Bramante from March 16 to July 26, 2015.

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