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Displaying items by tag: stenton

In conjunction with Stenton’s exhibition, LOGANIA: Stenton Collections Reassembled, Stenton has brought together known Logan family Queen Anne chairs and comparable examples from public and private collections. This lecture and workshop will provide a close study of chairs that may appear the same or very similar on the outside, but are structurally different on the inside. Why these differences? Where did they come from? What do they tell us about chair making in Colonial Philadelphia? Join us at Stenton on Friday April 17th for this special workshop exploring Queen Anne chairs and their construction. Workshop will be led by Laura Keim, Stenton’s Curator, and Philip Zimmerman, Scholar and Decorative Arts Consultant. Tickets are Required.

Ticket prices are $50 for General Admission, $45 for Friends of Stenton or NSCDA/PA members. Fee includes buffet lunch. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 215-329-7312 for more information or for reservations.

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