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Sunday, 11 September 2011 00:29

Grand jury indicts woman for attacking paintings

Susan Burns has twice attacked artwork in the National Gallery this year. But keeping art safe from vandals is harder than it looks. Susan Burns has twice attacked artwork in the National Gallery this year. But keeping art safe from vandals is harder than it looks.

Susan J. Burns, the Alexandria woman who twice was arrested in connection with attacks on paintings in the National Gallery of Art, has been indicted by a D.C. grand jury on seven counts, including destruction of property, threats to do bodily harm, unlawful entry and second-degree burglary.

The highly publicized incidents occurred on or about April 1 and Aug. 5, according to the indictment filed this week. After the April 1 incident, a D.C. Superior Court judge ordered Burns, 53, to stay away from the museum, an order she allegedly violated last month.

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