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Wednesday, 12 September 2012 17:30

The Paradoxical State of the Art Market

 A work by Adriaen Coorte from the Pieter and Olga Dreesmann collection that was sold for a record £2.28 million in July. A work by Adriaen Coorte from the Pieter and Olga Dreesmann collection that was sold for a record £2.28 million in July. Christie's via The New York Times

Art fairs like the Paris Biennale, opening Friday, bring out the two salient features of the new art market: Prices are nearly all beyond the reach of average budgets, and most of the youngest dealers are already in their 40s or 50s.

World records tumbled during the past season, prompting lyrical celebrations in the news media. Auction houses love it. Should we too, seeing the records as homage paid by growing numbers of art lovers? Hardly. Seemingly paradoxical in recessionary times, records merely highlight the huge price rise of the art of the past over five decades.

True, this increase has not been uniform. Even as records are being set, wild estimates fail to be matched and some works sell at levels that leave their consignors with severe losses.

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